Of Service - To Those Who Served
Letters, Comment's and Criticism's
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Winston Churchill
The NARPO Cardiff branch actively encourages it's members to provide feedback and comments good or bad about the branch or this website. It's only by accepting such comments that the site can truly reflect the wishes of the branch members.
The Branch Secretary often receives letters from the members thank the branch for its work help etc. The content of these letters will be transposed onto this page, to allow the members to view them.
Please note
NO ADDRESSES, Telephone Numbers etc will be included in order to protect the writers right to privacy
Comments etc will if necessary be edited before being placed on this page. NB the editing will not be to the total content but merely to remove an typing errors or non acceptable language etc. If any citicism is justified an answer will be provided alongside to indicate how of possible the issue will be addressed.
Your Letters:
DATED 15th April 2015:
Letter of thanks from Flint House
Please click on the below image to view the letter.
Letter of thanks from Flint house for £500 Branch donation
DATED 1st April 2015:
Firstly may I ask you to thank the members and committee of Cardiff NARPO for their sponsorship of my half marathon, used to raise funds for the Royal Marines Trust Fund to mark the 350th anniversary of The Corps.
With their help I was able to raise £1,400, which I know will be of great help to the charity. My thanks are rather late I know, but none the less sincere.
Next I would like to thank them for their good wishes during my recent illness. In particular I would like to thank yourself and Howard Davies for your phone calls and Dave A'hearne for his offer of support in relation to Flint House Etc.
I am glad to say I am now in a much better place, although still having dressings applied daily. I hope that I am now nearing the end of my treatment and approaching a full recovery.
I will be attending Flint House the week commencing 19th April.
Once again many thanks for your support
Gary John.
Letter Dated 15th Jan 2015:
Dear Mr. Francis,
On behalf of the George Thomas Hospice Care, please accept my warmest thanks for your generous donations in memory of Mr. Stephen Taylor and Mr Alan Tooby on behlaf of NARPO (Cardiff Brnch).
I can promise you that the generosity that you have shown will make a significant difference to the lives of our patientsthat we care for - thank you.
I assure you all donations we receive are used for the direct benefit of all our patients. We are fortunate in havig an excellent team here at George Thomas Hospice Care, with nurses and staff who are ably assisted by volunteer workers. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated by us all.
Many thanks
Paul Prosser
Finance Officer
Ty George Thomas, Whitchurch Hospital Grounds, Park Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff.
Letter Dated 21 Oct 2014:
I'd like to thank you for the dignified way that you treated my husband at his funeral.
I was so taken aback when I saw his coffin draped with the Police Flag and the Inspectors
cap and gloves.
I was so proud (Terry Squires) he had been ill for quite sometime although I just say he still
enjoyed his Gin and Tonic at night to the end.
Myfanwy Squires.
DATED 17th June 2014:
Dear Alan,
Just a short note to thank you on behalf of myself and my family.
Your support during this difficult time, and your attendance at the funeral
yesterday has been very much appreciated by us all.
With great thanks
Jeremy (on behalf of Robbie) Moffat
Your Comments Etc.
Recent comment's obtained from facebook.
Recent comment's received by e-mail:
Message from Mr. John Brooks 5th January 2016
Name John Brook
Subject Mrs. Jean Brook
Message Dear Sir, I came on the website hoping to find an address to send a thank you card to Mr. Alan Greaves and the members of NARPO for the use of a ceremonial flag at Jean Brook's funeral (Wife of the late Viv Brook). My family and I were very moved by the very kind gesture and we can't thank you enough. Please pass on our sincere thanks to Alan and also some other dear friends of the family who were representing NARPO on the day, Albert and Maureen Hayes who's private address we cannot locate. Thank you for everything you have done for our parents over the years, I know they always enjoyed attending your dinners. Wishing you and the members a very happy, healthy and blessed 2016 and once again THANK YOU.
John Brook & family.
Hello John ( and family),
Many thanks for your kind words. I apologise for not being able to speak to you after the funeral but as I explained to Julie, I had to get to Bridgend pretty quickly to a welfare meeting. I have very fond memories of your father and worked closely with him on many occasions. I wonder how many people are aware of his real warm and caring side. But I have to confess that I always enjoyed talking with your mum who never forgot her roots. I was brought up in the Docks area until I was ten years old and went to St. Cuthberts school. We would talk for hours about the Docks area.
I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2016.
Kindest regards. Alan
Message from Jim Denning
Subject : Christmas
Message : Hi Paul, Bloody marvelous. Well done in getting "Silent Night" with Chrismas scenes on the Cardiff Webb.... Jim
Sent on: 23 December, 2013
Thank you!
Webmaster Response: Thanks Jim, but if it hadn't been for you finding the data and sending it in then it would not have been possible to put it here. Another great team effort hopefully we will get more submissions as the members get used to the site.
Message From Howard Davies:
Well done Paul. We have certainly come a long way in a couple of months. Enjoy Christmas and the New Year.
Webmaster Response: Many thanks Howard, hopefully we will get more data to input soon and the site will start to grow. But lets not forget this is a team effort and without the help and assistance of others it would not be anywhere as good as it is now.
Message from Martyn Blake
Thanks Paul - certainly looks good - well done!
Webmaster Response: Thanks Martyn, now I know you might have some tales to tell any that are printable can you let us have them many thanks.
Message From Clive Dumas:
Thanks Paul, yes all my issues are resolved I can access all of the website. I have a few Pc's and my preferred browser was IE. I was running IE7 with XP on 2 and IE10 on windows7 and narpocardiff wouldn't work on login or register on any of them. when you sent the original email Novemeberish last year I tried to register and the site froze and heard nothing more from you and forgot about it.
Yesterday I tried again and the link did not work so I used Firefox browser and tried to register again and was informed that my email address was being used. All then became clear to me that my initial registration had worked so as I could not remember what password I used initially, I used forgot password option to reset it and voila had access to the site in all areas using Firefox and Google Chrome.
Alas IE 7 and 10 has fallen foul to the general Microsoft malaise and both are as flaky as anything. Having used Microsoft since 1993 I am seriously falling out of love with the firm and considering migrating to Apple Mac, but that's another story.
BTW very impressed with the website. Well done to all involved.
Webmaster Response: Thank you for the comments Clive, your experience clearly shows that one of the main issues concerning access is having your systems web browser as up to date as possible. It is also one of the main reasons we are recommending the use of Google Chrome, glad to hear that Firefox is equally as good.
Message from David Tucker Managing Director24-7 Chauffeurs:
24-7 Chauffeurs recently requested the assistance of the branch in trying to recruit suitably qualified retired Police Officers for short term posts involving a prestigious event in Cardiff. We have now received the following feedback:
Sorry for the late reply and this will only be of use for next months meeting. We have found NARPO and In The Loop very very useful. We have had a good response and we are now fully staffed and taking names for the standby list.
I would like to say that I would happily use NARPO for an event like this again.
Kind regards,
David Tucker
Managing Director
24-7 Chauffeurs
Message From Mr Vince Donovan:
Hi Paul,
Lovely to hear from you. I hope that you are well. Really grateful for all the information provided.
Kind regards, Vince
Webmaster Response: Thank you Vince and anytime you want to let me have some old tales, stories for publication please send them in.
Message Received from New Zealand
Hello Paul
Thank you for all your hard work with the emails and updates - they are always appreciated. Following on from your last email, I would be keen to join a ‘Keep in Touch’ type of forum.
I live in New Zealand, now, with my family. My husband (ex Kent Police) transferred to NZ Police in 2003, so we are well-connected with the Police community here - for those with an interest!
I served in SWP from 1987 to 2001, before being medically discharged, following an assault on duty. ( Ely, Fairwater, Whitchurch, Barry and Penarth Stations).
Kindest regards
Tina Woods
(ex PC 4039 Clegg)
Webmaster Response: Thank you for your kind words Tina, it is a pleasure being able to operate this website on behalf of you all, and although you are the other side of the World I am sure there are lots of people here in Wales who will want to keep in touch with you if we can get 'Keep in Touch' off the ground.
14th January 2015
thanks for all the good work you do.i bring up the subject of the web site to all i meet and recomrnend it to all.well done.clive hooper.
Webmaster Response: Thank you Clive, the more that know about the website, hopefully the more that will join and the more that join the better and more productive the website can become for the members.
15th January 2015
keep up the good work. Neil (Neil Morris)